educational adj. 教育(上)的;有关教育的。 the educational course 学历。 an educational worker 教育工作者。 an educational film 教育影片。 educational expenses 教育费。 an educational undertaking 教育事业。 adv. -ly 教育上,用教育方式。 -(al)ist n. 〔英国〕 1.教师。 2.教育学家。
game n.;娱乐;戏谑;运动。 2.(运动、棋类等的)比赛,竞赛;(比赛中的)一盘,一场,一局;胜利;比分,得分,比赛成绩。 3.〔 pl.〕 比赛会,运动会。 4.游戏用具,比赛器具;比赛方式;比赛规则。 5.计划,事业。 6.花招,诡计,策略。 7.〔集合词〕猎物,野味;(鹄等的)群;野外游戏[游猎、鹰狩等]。 8.追求物,目的物。 9.胆量,勇气。 10.〔口语〕行当,职业。 What a game! 多精彩的比赛啊!多么有趣! a close game接近的比分。 an advertising game广告竞争。 a game not worth the candle 得不偿失。 How is the game 胜负如何? The game is 4 all [7 to 6, love three]. 比赛成绩是4比4[7比6,0比3]。 The game is up [over]. 无成功希望;一切都完了。 One careless move loses the whole game.〔谚语〕一着不慎,满盘皆输。 None of your games! 别耍花招了! That's a game two people can play. 这一套你会我也会。 That's not the game! 那样干不对。 The same old game! 又是那一套老玩意儿!惯用伎俩! winged game可猎鸟类。 big game【打猎】巨兽[狮、虎等];巨大的目标,冒险的事业。 fair game 非禁猎的鸟兽;正当目的物;攻击的对象。 forbidden game 禁猎的鸟兽。 ahead of the game 〔美口〕(特别在赌博中)处于赢家地位。 be on [off] one's game (马、选手等)竞技状态好[不好]。 fly at high game 胸怀大志。 fly at higher game 怀有更大的抱负;得陇望蜀。 force the game (板球等中)冒险快速得分。 game and game = game all 一比一。 game and (set) 【网球】比赛完结。 a game of chance 碰运气取胜的游戏。 a game of skill 凭技术取胜的游戏。 give the game away 露馅。 have a game with 蒙蔽,瞒骗。 have the game in one's hands 有必胜把握。 make game of 嘲笑,捉弄。 play a dangerous game 干冒险玩意儿。 play a deep game 背地捣鬼。 play a double game 耍两面派。 play a good [poor] game赌法高明[笨拙]。 play a losing [winning] game 作无[有]胜利希望的比赛;干明知无益[有利]的事。 play a waiting game 待机下手。 play sb.'s game = play the game of sb. 无意中给别人占了便宜。 play the game 按规则玩游戏;做事光明正大,守规矩。 see through sb.'s game 看穿某人诡计。 speak in game 说着玩,开玩笑。 spoil the game 弄坏(事情)。 throw up the game 罢手,认输。 adj. 1.关于猎获物的,关于野味的。 2.斗鸡似的;雄纠纠的,勇敢的,倔强的。 3.对…有兴趣的,爱。 game pie 野味馅饼。 be game for [to do] anything 对什么都有兴趣。 die game 死斗,死拚;奋斗到底。 vi. 打赌,赌输赢。 vt. 赌输 (away)。 adj. 〔口语〕跛的,瘸的;残废的,受伤的。
Very interesting, super-speaking skills of a small educational games, and others 非常有趣,超讲技巧的益智小游戏,别错过喔!
Is a fun, and educational game . you can learn english while playing at the same time 是一种有趣的学习游戏,您可以边玩游戏边学英语。
Is a fun, and educational game . you can learn english while playing at the same time 是一种有趣的学习游戏,您可以边玩游戏边学英语。
Introduction : very interesting, super-speaking skills of a small educational games, and others 非常有趣,超讲技巧的益智小游戏,别错过喔!
As a new educational game, alphabet train may let children find it easy and funny to learn letters of alphabet 作为一款新型的教育游戏产品??字母火车能让孩子们在字母学习中感到轻松和有趣。
What made you want to use your programming skills to create an educational game for programmers rather than a flashy game just for fun s sake :是什么使您想使用自己的编程技巧为程序员创建一个教育性游戏而不是创建只用于娱乐的浮华的游戏?
After an adaptation of the educational games, tribal, and tribal healers and b, the three teams to cross and, with only a chieftains b leaders and healers can set sail 一个经过改编的益智游戏,部落和部落b和术士,三组队伍要过和,其中只有a的头领b的头领以及术士才能开船。
Introduction : after an adaptation of the educational games, tribal, and tribal healers and b, the three teams to cross and, with only a chieftains b leaders and healers can set sail 一个经过改编的益智游戏,部落和部落b和术士,三组队伍要过和,其中只有a的头领b的头领以及术士才能开船。
Age for 2 + ) this educational game will give your child hours of pleasure, while at the same time providing familiarity with spatial concepts, practice in arranging objects in a home 适合2岁或以上)利用提供的人物、??等,鼓励小宝宝自己动手建立一个理想的家。透过这游戏,可加强他对空间的概念。